Receiptify Apple Music

Receiptify No Longer Works with Apple Music

If you’re an Apple Music user, you may remember the buzz around Receiptify. Unfortunately, the integration of Receiptify with Apple Music is no longer available. Let’s explore why it has happened and what are then the alternatives available there.

Why Receiptify No Longer Work with Apple Music

The reason that Receiptify doesn’t work with Apple Music anymore is a result of Apple’s API limitations. APIs manage the operations through which third-party apps access Apple Music’s data. And, it seems that Apple does not provide as much listening detail for privacy reasons that Receiptify used to create its detailed, time-based receipts.

Receiptify Alternatives for Apple Music Lovers

While there’s no perfect replacement for the old Receiptify experience for Apple Music lovers, there are ways to still visualize your Apple Music journey:

  • Apple Music Replay: The official Apple ‘Replay’ feature is updated annually and gives details of your top songs, artists, albums, and favorite playlists of the year. It is available in the Apple Music app and on the web interface.
  • Third-Party Apps: The App Store has an application named Apple Music Stats. You can use it to track the history of your Apple Music.


To sum up, we can leave out the complete Receiptify and Apple Music integration. But there are always ways to discover your Apple Music history through different ways like Apple’s own Replay and apps like ‘Apple Music Stats’.

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